צפיות בכותרות
י' באב התשפ"א
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
14:57:48 ◀︎ UK Labour to ban 1,000 members who refuted anti-Semitism problem
14:58:49 ◀︎ Gov't approves transfer of daycares to responsibility of Edu. Min.
14:59:59 ◀︎ Lapid: I agreed with Moroccan FM on first visit of Israeli FM
15:33:57 ◀︎ Bread spread out at synagogue on Tisha B'Av fast
15:41:29 ◀︎ Min. of Transport: Balancing public health, economy, and daily life
15:59:23 ◀︎ California to fund restoration of 106-year old synagogue
16:05:41 ◀︎ Dollar up to NIS 3.298
16:14:22 ◀︎ Education Ministry to take charge - from daycare through college
16:35:13 ◀︎ Opposition petitions Supreme Court against Knesset committees
16:59:07 ◀︎ Biden admin restarts Guantanamo Bay detainee transfer program
17:09:36 ◀︎ Chile: Pres. frontrunner accused of anti-Semitism defeated
17:21:26 ◀︎ Report: Israeli spyware firm targeted state leaders, journalists
17:27:55 ◀︎ Director-Gen. of Health Min: Don't travel abroad
17:32:15 ◀︎ Likud MK to Gantz: Join right-wing government to save the country
17:36:30 ◀︎ 'If Gantz wants he can be prime minister right now'
17:55:25 ◀︎ Ben & Jerry's to boycott "Occupied Palestinian Territories"
18:14:35 ◀︎ Montreal auction of Nazi items criticized by Jewish community
18:20:50 ◀︎ Family Experiencing Violent Calls From Untraceable Number
18:31:24 ◀︎ Israel expands list of 'Red' countries
18:34:38 ◀︎ Shaked to Ben & Jerry's: We'll be just fine without you
18:46:08 ◀︎ Yesha Council: Don't buy from Ben & Jerry's
19:10:17 ◀︎ Mother suspected of attempting to murder her daughter
19:11:19 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Now we know which ice cream not to buy
19:12:30 ◀︎ Mayor of Ariel: Ben & Jerry's forcing Israelis out of work
19:25:48 ◀︎ Lapid: 'Shameful surrender to anti-Semitism'
19:40:08 ◀︎ Peace Now: World understands we're 'occupying' the Palestinians
19:42:12 ◀︎ Dov Hikind derides Ben & Jerry's hypocrisy
19:50:01 ◀︎ B'nai Brith slams Toronto school board for ignoring Jew-hatred
19:52:04 ◀︎ MK Rotman: Don't boycott Ben & Jerry's
20:04:42 ◀︎ Gantz talks to Mahmoud Abbas, discusses steps for 'trust-building'
20:21:51 ◀︎ PA accuses Bennett of inciting religious war over Temple Mount
20:27:17 ◀︎ Holocaust survivor who became Australia's richest woman dies
20:35:54 ◀︎ Jewish leaders slam Ben & Jerry's Judea and Samaria boycott
20:44:37 ◀︎ Ben & Jerry's boycotting Judea and Samaria? Not so fast
21:03:31 ◀︎ Khan al-Amar's residents' condition for evacuating
21:07:53 ◀︎ Almost 2 months to Rosh Hashana & Breslov Jews converging on Uman
21:11:06 ◀︎ Herzog wishes Mahmoud Abbas a 'happy Eid'
21:38:17 ◀︎ Cartoonist whose drawings of Mohammed outraged Muslims dies
22:10:51 ◀︎ Shaked: Everyone returning from abroad may have to quarantine
22:29:04 ◀︎ Outrage after Human Rights Watch head blames Israel for Jew hate
22:50:24 ◀︎ Shaked: Israeli franchisee of Ben & Jerry's should not be punished
22:54:55 ◀︎ Great week for Israeli softball
23:39:35 ◀︎ Shaked: We will take action against global Ben & Jerry's corp.
23:55:39 ◀︎ Biden to nominate three individuals to serve in key roles